How to replace null values in Snowflake with IFNULL
Learn all about the `IFNULL` function in Snowflake, what it does, and when to use it to find and replace null values in your datasets.

Dealing with null values in your data pipeline is inevitable. They’re not hard to handle, but doing it is important. When left unchecked, missing values can skew your results and cause major downstream issues.
Identifying null values is easy—using `ISNULL` can do that quickly—but what about when you need to replace a null value with something else?
That’s where `IFNULL` comes in. In this article, we’ll cover how to use `IFNULL`, when to apply it, and tips for leveraging it effectively.
What is the IFNULL function in Snowflake?
The `IFNULL` function in Snowflake is used to replace null values in a column or expression with a specific replacement value. It works a lot like find and replace does in a Google Doc. You tell it to look for null values, and when it finds one, replace it with a fallback value instead, ensuring that there are no missing values in your tables.
Null values are important to stay on top of, as they can throw a lot of things off in your data pipeline. Calculations can get wonky, formats can become inconsistent, and downstream systems might reject null values, leading to breaks in your pipeline.
If you know null values will cause problems downstream, it’s important to snuff them out. `IFNULL` helps you do just that.
Syntax of IFNULL
The syntax for `IFNULL` is straightforward:
IFNULL(expression, replacement)
In this function, `expression` is the value or column to check for null in, and `replacement` is the value to substitute if expression is null.
Let's make it more concrete with an example. Say you’re the data engineer at a pizza chain and you’re analyzing popular pizza toppings. But, when someone orders and doesn’t select a topping, the table contains a null value instead of registering as a “Cheese only” pizza. Since cheese pizza is a totally valid pizza choice, you could run this Snowflake query to fix it:
SELECT order_id,
IFNULL(topping, 'Cheese only') AS topping
FROM pizza_orders
Now your data looks cleaner and all plain cheese pizza orders are accounted for.
When to use IFNULL
Null values aren’t inherently an issue, so finding and replacing them isn’t always necessary. Knowing if you need to use `IFNULL` is all about tracing where your data goes next and figuring out if you’ll run into any downstream issues. Here are a few common reasons you may want to deploy `IFNULL` in a Snowflake column.
1. If nulls will disrupt downstream analytics
One big reason data engineers need to address null values is to keep downstream analytics accurate. Nulls can throw off calculations like averages, counts, and sums. Imagine you’re working with a column of sales data that includes nulls. If those null values are actually supposed to be zeros, but instead, they're not being counted, that will drastically throw off the average.
2. If nulls will create inconsistent data
When datasets come from different sources, null values can create inconsistencies when trying to merge or compare them.
By replacing nulls with a default value—say, a zero for numeric data or a placeholder like “Unknown” for text fields—you can create a uniform structure. Consistency makes the dataset easier to work with and reduces headaches during analysis or integration.
3. If nulls will break downstream processes
There are a lot of downstream scenarios where a nulls can cause breakdowns in your pipeline. Machine learning models often require complete datasets to train effectively, and ETL scripts can throw errors or behave unpredictably when they encounter nulls. Replacing these values early in the pipeline prevents these issues from snowballing into bigger problems later.
4. If nulls will lower data quality and usability
Replacing null values also keeps your data quality at a generally high level, so no matter where it's going, you'll feel confident in your ability to use it.
Say you're creating a report of customer segments, but some of the rows in the "Segment" column are null. Not replacing these values with something like "Other" or "Not specified" could confuse stakeholders and make your reporting look sloppy.
Clean data is more approachable, whether it’s for a colleague running queries or an executive reviewing dashboards.
When to use IFNULL vs. NVL vs. COALESCE vs. ISNULL
Snowflake provides a lot of ways to manage null values—some more simple than others. Again, it all goes back to what you want to do with your data downstream.
`IFNULL`: we’ve already covered. Great for replacing single null values with one default replacement.
`NVL`: functions the same a `IFNULL` in Snowflake. It’s more common in Oracle SQL, though.
`COALESCE`: is great for more advanced replacement logic, is it can handle multiple values. For example, let’s say you’re trying to determine a customer’s preferred contact method, but some values are null.
SELECT customer_id,
COALESCE(email, phone, 'No contact info') AS preferred_contact
FROM customers;
Using the SQL query above, you can set their email address as the default method if available, but fall back to the phone number if the email is null, and add "No contact info" if both are missing.
`ISNULL`: a simple condition that checks for null values. It’s great for detecting and filtering columns with missing data. The inverse, `IS NOT NULL` also works to filter non-null values.
Manage null values in Snowflake with IFNULL
The `IFNULL` function in Snowflake is like your data find and replace. It's simple, effective, and helps keep your data clean and consistent.
If you're looking to boost your data quality in a more scalable way, talk to our team at Metaplane. An end-to-end data observability tool, Metaplane will automatically monitor everything from nullness to freshness to row counts, so you can build confidence and trust in your data.
Book a demo or try us for free today.
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