Prevent data quality issues in pull requests
Confidently merge pull requests by running automated regression and impact tests

What is Data CI/CD?
Accelerate Delivery
Ship with more confidence in less time.
No more tradeoffs
Updating models should reduce tickets instead of creating 10 issues
Increased focus
Breathe a sigh of relief the next time you next time you merge a PR.
How Data CI/CD works
Forecast downstream impact
See dependencies from tables in your warehouse to BI reports
Understand how schema changes affect your data structures
Proactively alert stakeholders to potential downtime to retain trust

Understand how objects are impacted
Go deeper - a 1% change in uniqueness is nothing... unless it’s for primary keys
Never merge a data breaking change again
Prevent accidentally making more tickets than you close
Consolidate your workflows
Use our GitHub app for regression testing alongside every model update
Establish baselines for incident retrospectives
Triage issues faster with a view of Pull Requests related to every incident

Explore more of the platform
Schema change
Increase awareness for the entire data team
Alerts where you work
Understand the flow of data from source to usage
Find integrated tool issues
Monitoring and anomaly detection
Prevent issues through finding early indicators / brittle points
Usage analytics
Prevent issues through finding early indicators / brittle points