Start in less than 15 minutes for free, no credit card required. Choose the plan that’s right for you after 14 days.
Predictable cost plus powerful and comprehensive coverage that grows with your team.
Metaplane allows you to sync as many tables as you want from your warehouse or database. When monitors (e.g. freshness, nullness) are added to a table or column, that table is considered a "monitored table." Pricing is based on the number of tables that have monitors actively running for more than 30 days.
Metaplane is able to sync all tables it has permission to access. This means you can view column-level lineage for all data, not just the data you add monitors to.
A user is any person who can access the Metaplane web application. There is no limit of users who can interact with notifications or CI/CD tests.
Metaplane provides prioritized support and shared Slack channels for customers with premium support.
Custom plans include different limits on monitors and users, additional governance functionality like SSO, unlimited scalability in monitoring capabilities, and custom contracts.