Update to monitor creation flow
Configure your monitor for your teams' and business needs.

Try it out. Add a new monitor. You’ll see an expanded side panel that now places monitor configuration alongside your monitor creation flow. As a quick refresher, this allows you to:
- Use either manual or machine learning-based thresholds to receive alerts on data quality issues
- Configure monitors that are using machine learning with your desired sensitivity and lookback period for training data to fine-tune your alerts
- Schedule monitoring run frequency
- Narrow your monitored data with rolling time windows or WHERE clauses

Note that a few configurations may differ between monitor types. For example, if you create a custom SQL monitoring, you’ll still be able to choose between automatic vs manual thresholds for alerting, but you’ll also see options for:
- Choosing which of Metaplane’s machine learning model types to apply to your custom SQL query.
- Designating an expected value format of returned data.
Want to get started right away? Perfect, Metaplane will suggest monitors that you’ll see alongside your database, data warehouse, and data lakehouse integrations when you click into them via the UI, so that you’re immediately ready to make the highest impact improvements for data quality.
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